Program and Schedule

This program is preliminary and subject to modifications. Times given here are only estimates, and are likely to change. We will try to limit most schedule changes to within the given day. Participants and speakers should monitor this page and the bulletin board at the conference.
Speakers should plan their talks to be at most 20 minutes, with a 5 minute question and answer period. Program Chairs will adhere strictly to this schedule.
We will provide overhead projectors for all day and evening sessions.
Speakers who need a computer projector should contact us immediately by email at
Thursday night's cash bar and banquet is in the Grand Hall at the Copper Station in the East Village. Shuttle buses will be available at the Ten Mile Circle bus area.
All other activities will be held in the Copper Conference Center.

Sunday, March 28

7:00-9:00 PM Reception and Registration Check-in Copper Conference Center

Monday, March 29

Room A B C
Session I
Topic Multigrid Saddlepoint Solvers PDE Methods
Chair Tom Manteuffel Michele Benzi Kirk Jordan
8:00 Oliver Roehrle Michele BenziT.K. Nilssen
8:25 Alison RamageAhmed SamehChrister Peterson
8:50am Rakhim Aitbayev Fred WubsDoug Swesty
9:15amMarkus BerndtVivek Sarin/a>Christopher Newman
9:40am Gregory NewmanJohn WilsonTodd Coffey
10:05am Coffee Break
Session II
Topic Multi-physics Solution Methods Parallel Algorithms Multigrid/Applications
Chair John Shadid Tamara Kolda Martin Gander
10:35am John ShadidRosemary Renaut Martin Gander
11:00amJ. ReisnerHemant MahawarDimitri Mavriplis
11:25amDavid RoppTamara Kolda Jens Schmidt
11:50amDana KnollJun Zhang Open
12:15amLunch Break
Session III
Topic Algebraic Multigrid Non-Linear Solvers
Chair Robert Falgout Tim Kelley
4:30pmQing Tang Michael Pernice
4:55pm Marzio Sala Ernesto Prudencio
5:20pm Robert Falgout Eric Keiter
5:45pm James Brannick Brett Bader
6:10pmDinner Break
Workshop I 7:30 - 9:00
Topic Mini Symposium
Organizers: Henry Tufo

Tuesday, March 30

Room A B C
Session I
Topic Saddle-Point Solvers Preconditioning Methods PDE Methods
Chair Panayot Vassilevski Rafael Bru Van Henson
8:00 David Silvester Rafael BruHenrik Branden
8:25 Suely OliveiraStefan VandewalleJeff Heys
8:50amPanayot Vassilevski Amik St-CyrChad Westphal
9:15am Catherine Powell David CarringtonVivek Sarin
9:40amVictoria HowleEmeric MartinPer Sundqvist
10:05am Coffee Break
Session II
Topic Applications Non-Linear Solvers Multigrid
Chair Misha Kilmer Roland Freund Steve McCormick
10:35am Eyal Arian Roland FreundJim Jones
11:00am Erik Bangtsson T.L. Van NoordenLuke Olson
11:25am Kathleen Fowler Carol Woodward Boris Diskin
11:50amMisha Kilmer Roger PawlowskiChin-Tien Wu
12:15pmLunch Break
Session III
Topic Eigenvalue Methods Multi-physics Solution Methods
Chair Vladimir Druskin Dana Knoll
4:30pm Andrew Canning Mary Wheeler
4:55pm Anna Matsekh Donald Estep
5:20pm Vladimir Druskin Vincent Mousseau
5:45pmHeidi Thornquist Ioannis Kevrekidis
6:15pm Dinner Break
Workshop II 7:30-10:00pm
TopicTrilinos Website
Organized by: Michael Heroux

Wednesday, March 31

Room A B
Session I
Topic Krylov Subspace Methods Multigrid/Multilinear
Chair Daniel Szyld Eldad Haber
8:00 Kees Vuik Constantine Bekas
8:25 James Baglama Jingtang Ma
8:50amDaniel Szyld Marinos Vouvakis
9:15am John Dennis Feng-Nan Hwang
9:40am Ludmil Zikatanov Eldad Haber
10:05am Coffee Break
Session II
Topic Continuation Methods AMG/Multigrid
Chair Tim Kelley Xiao-Chuan Cai
10:35amTim Kelley Hans De Sterck
11:00amEric Phipps Scott MacLachlan
11:25am Matthew Lasater Jeonghwa Lee
11:50am Aleksei Shestakov Charles Tong
12:15pmLunch Break
Session III
Topic Stochastic Systems Krylov Subspace Methods
Chair Howard Elman Elizabeth Jessup
4:30pm Bert Seynaeve Allison Baker
4:55pm Oliver Le Maitre Stuart Hawkins
5:20pmHoward Elman Julien Langou
5:45pm Efstratios GallopoulosMarko Huhtanen
6:10pm Dinner
Workshop III 7:30 - 10:00
Topic PDE Constrained Optimization
Organized by: Eldad Haber

Thursday, April 1

Room A B
Session I
Topic Applications Student Presentation
Chair Richard Lehoucq Ray Tuminaro
8:00 Domenico Lahaye Yogi Erlangga
8:25 Eunjung Lee Ning Kang
8:50am Richard Lehoucq Yuan Hong
9:15amRaphael Loubere Daniel Reynolds
9:40amKent-Andre Mardal Sue Dollar
10:05am Coffee Break
Session II
Topic Parallel Algorithms Eigensolvers
Chair Masha Sosonkina Andrew Knyazev
10:35am J. David Moulton Victor Pan
11:00am Dennis Smolarski Andreas Stathopoulos
11:25am Masha Sosonkina Andrew Knyazev
11:50am Yousef Saad Evgueni Ovtchinnikov
12:15pm Lunch Break
Session III
Topic Student Presentations
Chair Howard Elman and Panayot Vassilevski
4:30pm Andrei Draganescu
4:55pm Ruth Holland
5:20pm Yair Koren
5:45pm Break

Banquet 6:30 to 9:30 pm

Friday, April 2

Room A B
Session I
Topic Non-Linear Solvers Multigrid
Chair Homer Walker Edmond Chow
8:00 Dan Finkel Matthias Bollhoefer
8:25 Homer Walker Timothy Chartier
8:50am D. Echeverria Ciaurri Zhen Cheng
9:15am Joseph Simonis Edmond Chow
9:40amKonstantin Lipnikov Joel Dendy
10:05am Coffee Break
Session II
Topic Software Preconditioning Methods
Chair Howard Elman Iain Duff
10:35am Robert ShuttleworthShun Wang
11:00am Nishida Akira Jose Marin
11:25am Duane Rosenberg Bruno Carpentieri
11:50amOpen Open
12:15amClose of Meeting