Days: Sunday, April 14th Monday, April 15th Tuesday, April 16th Wednesday, April 17th Thursday, April 18th Friday, April 19th
Sunday, April 14th
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14:00-17:00 Session 1: Tutorial on Machine Learning [Copper Conference Center]
14:00 | Tutorial on Machine Learning (abstract) |
Monday, April 15th
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07:00-08:15Breakfast [Copper Conference Center]
08:00-10:05 Session 2A: Krylov Methods and Polynomial Preconditioners [Bighorn B]
08:00 | Polynomial Approximation of the inverse of a Matrix with Application to Linear Equations with Multiple Right-hand Sides (abstract) PRESENTER: Ron Morgan |
08:25 | Polynomial Preconditioning for Solving Linear Equations with Indefinite Matrices (abstract) PRESENTER: Hayden Henson |
08:50 | HAM: Hierarchical approximate maps for updating preconditioners (abstract) PRESENTER: Michal Outrata |
09:15 | Recent Developments in Asynchronous Linear Solvers for Computing at the Very Edge (abstract) PRESENTER: Christopher Vogl |
09:40 | Block Krylov subspace methods for many Hermitian systems with complex shifts (abstract) PRESENTER: Shikhar Shah |
08:00-10:05 Session 2B: Inverse Problems [Bighorn C]
08:00 | Regularizing properties of inner-product free Krylov methods for inverse problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Malena Sabaté Landman |
08:25 | GCV-based iterative methods for l1-Regularized Inverse Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Brian Sweeney |
08:50 | Efficient Krylov subspace methods for large-scale hierarchical Bayesian inverse problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Julianne Chung |
09:15 | Iterative Projection Algorithms for Resolving Conformation Disorder in Diffuse X-ray Scattering (abstract) PRESENTER: Kanupriya Pande |
10:25-12:30 Session 3A: Anderson Acceleration: Analysis and Application [Bighorn B]
10:25 | On the Convergence of CROP-Anderson Acceleration Method (abstract) PRESENTER: Ning Wan |
10:50 | On the asymptotic convergence of Anderson acceleration for certain linear problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Adam Smith |
11:15 | Some theoretical results on finite convergence property and temporary stalling behavior of Anderson acceleration on linear systems (abstract) |
11:40 | Convergence Analysis of Alternating Anderson-Picard Method for nonlinear fixed-point Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Xue Feng |
10:25-12:30 Session 3B: Randomized Algorithms [Bighorn C]
10:25 | Fast Randomized Algorithms for Rank-Structured Matrices (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Yesypenko |
10:50 | An Iterative Rank-Revealing Randomized Algorithm (abstract) PRESENTER: Joy Upton-Azzam |
11:15 | Construction of Hierarchically Semi-Separable Matrix Representation using Adaptive Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Sketching (abstract) PRESENTER: Yotam Yaniv |
11:40 | Structured Sketching for Linear Systems (abstract) |
16:30-18:35 Session 4A: Parallel in Time [Bighorn B]
16:30 | Multigrid parallel-in-time for hyperbolic PDEs: nonlinear equations and systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Hans De Sterck |
16:55 | Waveform relaxation multigrid for Navier-Stokes (abstract) PRESENTER: James Jackaman |
17:20 | Improved Coarse-Grid Operators for Multigrid Reduction in Time solutions to the Linear Advection Equation (abstract) PRESENTER: Benjamin Ong |
17:45 | An Absolutely Convergent Parallel-in-Time Relaxation Method for Chaotic Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: David Vargas |
18:10 | Block Smoothers for Algebraic Multigrid (abstract) PRESENTER: Taoli Shen |
16:30-18:35 Session 4B: Advanced Coupling Technologies for Multiphysics Problems [Bighorn C]
16:30 | Surrogate-based partitioned methods for interface problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Pavel Bochev |
16:55 | Existence and uniqueness analysis of an atmosphere-ocean surface exchange algorithm with applications to global climate models (abstract) PRESENTER: Justin Dong |
17:20 | Partitioned Scheme for Coupling Heterogenous Numerical Methods, Including Reduced Order Models, Over Nonoverlapping Interfaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Paul Kuberry |
17:45 | An optimization-based approach for coupling projection-based reduced order models (abstract) PRESENTER: Elizabeth Hawkins |
18:10 | Topology-aware Coupler for Energy Exascale Earth System Model (abstract) PRESENTER: Vijay Mahadevan |
Tuesday, April 16th
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07:00-08:15Breakfast [Copper Conference Center]
08:00-10:05 Session 5A: Scalable Solvers for Multiscale/Multiphysics Plasmas: I [Bighorn B]
08:00 | A finite-grid stable implicit particle-in-cell algorithm for gyrokinetic electromagnetic simulations of magnetized plasmas (abstract) PRESENTER: Benjamin Sturdevant |
08:25 | An implicit particle code with exact energy and charge conservation for dynamically compressing plasmas: Solver scaling and performance (abstract) PRESENTER: Justin Angus |
08:50 | A multiscale hybrid particle-Maxwellian Coulomb-Collision Algorithm for Hybrid Kinetic-Fluid Simulations (abstract) PRESENTER: Guangye Chen |
09:15 | Nonlinearly partitioned time integration for multiphysics (abstract) PRESENTER: Ben Southworth |
09:40 | Solving 1D-space collisional electron-Boltzamnn transport equation (abstract) PRESENTER: Milinda Fernando |
08:00-10:05 Session 5B: Efficient Optimization Algorithms [Bighorn C]
08:00 | Stochastic Average Model Methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Stefan Wild |
08:25 | Low-rank Gradient Flow – a First Order Algorithm for Non-convex Optimization (abstract) |
08:50 | A Multilevel Method for Self-Concordant Minimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Nick Tsipinakis |
10:25-12:30 Session 6A: Scalable Solvers for Multiscale/Multiphysics Plasmas: II [Bighorn B]
10:25 | Solvers and preconditioners enabling flexible IMEX integration of fusion plasmas in COGENT* (abstract) PRESENTER: Lee Ricketson |
10:50 | Scalable multiphysics block preconditioning of a fully-implicit VMS visco-resistive MHD formulation with application to Magnetic Confinement Fusion (abstract) PRESENTER: Jesus Bonilla |
11:15 | A block preconditioner for resistive MHD simulations (abstract) PRESENTER: Peter Ohm |
11:40 | An energy minimization approach to H-curl AMG (abstract) PRESENTER: Raymond Tuminaro |
12:05 | A Newton-based Grad-Shafranov solver for tokamak equilibrium (abstract) PRESENTER: Qi Tang |
10:25-12:30 Session 6B: Monte Carlo Methods and Efficient Sampling [Bighorn C]
10:25 | Improving Multilevel Monte Carlo Scaling with Level-Dependent Redistribution (abstract) PRESENTER: Hillary Fairbanks |
10:50 | Faster solution of linear Bayesian smoothing problems using model reduction for ensemble Kalman inversion (abstract) PRESENTER: Pavlos Stavrinides |
11:15 | Multigrid Monte Carlo revisited: fast sampling of Gaussian Random Fields (abstract) PRESENTER: Eike Mueller |
11:40 | Accelerating Multi-Level Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Using Machine Learning Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Sohail Reddy |
16:30-18:35 Session 7A: Developments in AMG [Bighorn B]
16:30 | New Developments in the AMLI-cycle Method (abstract) |
16:55 | Toward an algebraic multigrid method for the indefinite Helmholtz equation (abstract) PRESENTER: Clément Richefort |
17:20 | Adaptive Composite AMG Solvers Utilizing Graph Modularity Coarsening (abstract) PRESENTER: Austen Nelson |
17:45 | Generalized Optimal AMG Convergence Theory for Nonsymmetric and Indefinite Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Ahsan Ali |
18:10 | Semi-structured algebraic multigrid (SSAMG) (abstract) PRESENTER: Wayne Mitchell |
16:30-18:35 Session 7B: Radiation Transport and Nuclear Applications [Bighorn C]
16:30 | Stability Analysis of Two-Level Nonlinear Acceleration Method for the Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (abstract) |
16:55 | A Data Driven, Eigenvalue Based Adaptive Time Stepping Method for Nonlinear Physics Simulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Ethan Smith |
17:20 | Dynamic and Deterministic Neutron Transport on GPUs using One-cell Inversion (abstract) PRESENTER: Joanna Piper Morgan |
17:45 | Decoupled Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for Deterministic Neutral Particle Transport (abstract) PRESENTER: Joseph Coale |
Wednesday, April 17th
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07:00-08:15Breakfast [Copper Conference Center]
08:00-10:05 Session 8A: Efficient Training of Neural Networks [Bighorn B]
08:00 | Progress in Layer-Parallel Neural Networks Training and Inference (abstract) PRESENTER: Eric Cyr |
08:25 | Efficient Subproblem Solves for Convergent Neural Network Training (abstract) PRESENTER: Aurya Javeed |
08:50 | Training Neural Networks with PyRol: Algorithms and Examples (abstract) PRESENTER: Robert Baraldi |
09:15 | Deep learning without global optimization by random Fourier features (abstract) PRESENTER: Owen Davis |
09:40 | A Damped Block Gauss-Newton Method for Shallow ReLU Neural Network (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhiqiang Cai |
08:00-10:05 Session 8B: Eigensolvers, Optimization, FE for Fourth-order Operators [Bighorn C]
08:00 | Hybrid Quantum-Classical Krylov Methods for Eigenvalue Computation (abstract) |
08:25 | Model error estimates for weak constraint 4DVar with representers (abstract) PRESENTER: Jodi Mead |
08:50 | Online Bayesian Optimization of Polynomial-Multigrid Cycles for Flux Reconstruction (abstract) PRESENTER: Sambit Mishra |
09:15 | Computing H2-conforming finite element approximations without having to implement C1-elements (abstract) PRESENTER: Charles Parker |
10:25-12:30 Session 9A: Machine Learning Efficient Iterative Methods [Bighorn B]
10:25 | Learning optimal iterative methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicolas Nytko |
10:50 | Graph Neural Network to Predict Coarse Space Functions for Two-level Domain Decomposition Methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Ichitaro Yamazaki |
11:15 | Fast iterative solver for neural network method: 1D diffusion problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Anastassia Doktorova |
11:40 | Fast iterative solver for neural network method: 1D general elliptic problems and data fitting (abstract) PRESENTER: Cesar Herrera |
12:05 | Physics-guided Full Waveform Inversion using Encoder-Solver Convolutional Neural Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Matan Goren |
10:25-12:30 Session 9B: Mixed Precision Algorithms [Bighorn C]
10:25 | Newton's Method in Three Precisions (abstract) |
10:50 | Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement for Structured Inverse Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: James Nagy |
11:15 | Effective Approximate Preconditioners for Linear Inverse Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucas Onisk |
11:40 | H-LSLU: An Inner Product Free Hybrid Krylov Method for Rectangular Large-Scale Inverse Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Ariana N. Brown |
12:05 | Half precision wave simulation (abstract) |
16:30-18:35 Session 10A: ML / AI Accelerated Numerical Algorithms [Bighorn B]
16:30 | Physics-informed augmentations to nonlinear vector autoregressive models for the prediction of dynamical systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Samuel Hocking |
16:55 | Evolving Algebraic Multigrid Methods Using Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming (abstract) PRESENTER: Dinesh Parthasarathy |
17:20 | Large scale Scattering using the HINTS (abstract) PRESENTER: Adar Kahana |
16:30-18:35 Session 10B: Low-rank Approximations [Bighorn C]
16:30 | A New Dynamic Low Rank Method for Thermal Radiative Transfer (abstract) |
16:55 | Low Rank Krylov-based Implicit Time Integrators for Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Kinetic Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Hamad El Kahza |
17:20 | Higher order and implicit dynamical low-rank algorithms (abstract) |
17:45 | A dynamical low-rank collocation method for nonlinear tensor differential equations (abstract) |
18:10 | Tensor Networks for Solving the Time-Independent Boltzmann Neutron Transport Equation (abstract) PRESENTER: Mario Ortega |
Thursday, April 18th
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07:00-08:15Breakfast [Copper Conference Center]
08:00-10:05 Session 11A: Tensor Decomposition Algorithms and Applications [Bighorn B]
08:00 | A tensor POD-ROM for parameter dependent dynamical systems (abstract) |
08:25 | Constrained Tensor Decomposition for Low-rank Modeling of Multiphysics Simulation Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Eric Phipps |
08:50 | Efficient incremental Tucker decomposition for streaming scientific data (abstract) PRESENTER: Saibal De |
09:15 | Tensor Completion with BMD Factor Nuclear Norm Minimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Fan Tian |
09:40 | Fast iterative solvers in tensor butterfly format (abstract) |
08:00-10:05 Session 11B: Multigrid, Iterative Methods, and Applications on Advanced Architectures [Bighron C]
08:00 | Communication-Computation Overlapping for Parallel Multigrid Methods (abstract) |
08:25 | Adaptive CSR Krylov Solvers on GPU (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephen Thomas |
08:50 | Jacobian matrix construction for fluid flow problems on GPUs using automatic differentiation (abstract) PRESENTER: Steven Hamilton |
09:15 | FleCSI: A Task-Based Framework for HPC (abstract) |
09:40 | Accelerating model-based iterative reconstructions via Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transforms and GPUs (abstract) PRESENTER: Dinesh Kumar |
10:25-12:30 Session 12A: Tensor Train Methods [Bighorn B]
10:25 | Direct interpolative construction of quantized tensor trains (abstract) |
10:50 | Quantized tensor trains for solving Vlasov-Maxwell equations (abstract) |
11:15 | Tensor Networks Space-Time Spectral Method for Solving the Heat Equation (abstract) PRESENTER: Dibyendu Adak |
11:40 | Rank reduction of graph Laplacians via column selection (abstract) PRESENTER: Mark Fornace |
12:05 | Data-parallel tensor decomposition algorithms in the tensor-train format (abstract) PRESENTER: Tianyi Shi |
10:25-12:30 Session 12B: Preconditioning I [Bighorn C]
10:25 | Parallel Space-time Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods and Tensor-structure-preserving Schwarz Preconditioning for Parabolic Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Jing-Yuan Wang |
10:50 | Performance-portable p-multigrid block preconditioning for mixed FE discretizations of nearly incompressible hyperelasticity (abstract) PRESENTER: Rezgar Shakeri |
11:15 | Low-order Preconditioner for Steady State Advection Diffusion Equation Under Spectral Element Discretization (abstract) |
11:40 | A parameter-robust preconditioner for Stokes-Darcy coupling problems (abstract) |
12:05 | Transformed primal-dual methods with variable-preconditioners for nonlinear partial differential equations (abstract) PRESENTER: Jingrong Wei |
16:30-18:10 Session 13: Student Paper Winner Presentations [Bighorn C]
16:30 | Stagnation-shortening inexact Newton method based on unsupervised learning for highly nonlinear hyperelasticity problems on three-dimensional unstructured meshes (abstract) PRESENTER: Yujie Gong |
16:55 | Efficient Solution for Fully Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Time-dependent Hyperbolic PDEs (abstract) PRESENTER: Aman Rani |
17:20 | Fast coarse grid solvers for the solution of exascale Poisson equations (abstract) PRESENTER: Thilina Ratnayaka |
Friday, April 19th
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07:00-08:15Breakfast [Copper Conference Center]
08:00-10:05 Session 14A: Preconditioning II [Bighorn B]
08:00 | Fast High-Order Finite Element Solvers on Simplices (abstract) PRESENTER: Pablo Brubeck |
08:25 | Achieving h- and p-robust monolithic multigrid solvers for saddle-point systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Scott MacLachlan |
08:50 | Robust Schwarz methods for DG Discretization of Highly Heterogeneous Anisotropic Elliptic Problems (abstract) |
09:15 | Redundant equation methods for stiff wave motions (abstract) PRESENTER: Christopher Bozart |
09:40 | Implicit time and rank adaptive method for time-dependent PDEs (abstract) PRESENTER: Yingda Cheng |
08:00-10:05 Session 14B: Machine Learning / Data Science Algorithms and Applications [Bighorn C]
08:00 | Acceleration methods for scientific and data science applications (abstract) |
08:25 | Efficient Hybrid Spatial-Temporal Operator Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesco Brarda |
08:50 | Fast Solvers for Neural Network Least-Squares Approximations (abstract) |
09:15 | Smoothing Gradient Descent (SmoothGD) (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrew Starnes |
09:40 | Structure Optimization and Compression Methods for Finite Element Operators (abstract) PRESENTER: Graham Harper |
10:25-12:30 Session 15: Robust & Scalable Iterative Solution of Multi-physics Problems [Bighorn B]
10:25 | Space-time parallel iterative solvers for the integration of parabolic problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Iñigo Jimenez-Ciga |
10:50 | A new decoupled solution method for a novel oscillation-free numerical scheme for Biot's model (abstract) PRESENTER: Carmen Rodrigo |
11:15 | Parallel Compact High-Resolution GMRES-PFFT-Type Algorithms for 3D Stochastic Subsurface Scattering Problems. (abstract) PRESENTER: Yury Gryazin |
11:40 | Improving Greedy Algorithms for Rational Approximation (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhongqin Xue |
12:05 | A Multi-Tiered Iterative Algorithm for Determining the Rotational Diffusion of Particle Systems from the Temporal-Angular Cross-Correlation of Their Power Spectrum (abstract) PRESENTER: Zixi Hu |