20th Copper Mountain Conference On

Multigrid Methods


Highlighted Topics

Conference Format

The 2021 conference will be a virtual conference, entirely online. The daily schedule will involve five days of parallel sessions, with around four hours of talks. More details can be found below and on the program page.

A student paper competition is open to current and recent students attending the conference. In addition, a special issue devoted to the themes of the conference is open to all.

The following tutorials will be offered this year.

Each tutorial will be 2 hours long from 16:00 - 18:00 UTC (9am - 11am PDT, 12pm - 2pm EDT, 17:00 - 19:00 CET)

Journal Special Section on Multigrid Methods

As in previous odd-numbered years, a special section focused on recent advances in multigrid is planned for publication in the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. Submissions are encouraged in all aspects of multigrid methods, including this year's highlighted topics.

Attendees and participants of the conference as well as the general community are invited to submit papers. The papers should meet the formatting and editorial requirements of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

Submissions for the special issue will be accepted from April 15, 2021 until July 15, 2021. Papers will be subject to review by a guest Editorial Board. Submissions should be made using the ordinary submission process at http://sisc.siam.org. with a statement in the cover letter requesting that the paper be considered for the special issue. In addition, the "Copper Mountain Special Section 2021" should be selected in the Special Section dropdown.

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