The San Juan Solstice 50 Mile Run
Divide & Conquer
The San Juan Solstice 50 Mile Run
Divide & Conquer
Awards: First, second, and third place, men's and women's overall & in each five-year age group.
Also, awards to:
Freak of Nature (new category thanks to Matt)
- sub 8:00 (keep dreaming)
Mutant - sub 10:00 (forget about it)
Cannibal - sub 12:00 (possible)
Survivor - sub 16:00 (best choice)
Overall and age group winners will receive a beautiful handmade award. See a few photos of the awesome 2012 overall awards below. All finishers receive a finisher's visor. All entrants receive a custom shirt.
Pre- & Post-Race Events: Pre-race dinner 4-7 pm Friday evening for runners included in entry fee. Guests are extra. Post-race breakfast & awards ceremony 8:30 am Sunday morning for all runners and guests. Stick around for great finisher & age awards! Also, lots & lots of prizes will be raffled!!!
Stunning 2012 awards by Russ Brown.
Click here to visit Russ Brown’s Amazing Gallery.
On award-winner Brendan Trimboli’s wall.
Shown by award-winner Sarah Evans.
Shown by award-winner Bethany Lewis.