This talk presents a new approximate block factorization preconditioner for a stabilized discretization of a 3D Lagrange multiplier formulation of the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. The MHD equations are highly nonlinear and model the flow of an ionized fluid in the presence of a magnetic field. Additionally, MHD contains multiple mechanisms that interact over a range of temporal and spatial scales. As a result the discretized linear systems are stiff and require preconditioning to achieve scalability in processor count and mesh resolution.
Approximate block factorization preconditioners are an appealing choice
for this problem. The linear system is segregated into the physical
fields: velocity, pressure, magnetic field and the Lagrange multiplier.
The resulting linear operator is a block
matrix where each
physical field corresponds to a block row and column. An approximate
block factorization is developed that focuses on capturing the essential
mechanisms that generate the stiffness. In particular this preconditioner
uses an operator split approximation that we have previously shown to be
effective for a 2D incompressible MHD formulation [1]. The operator split
methodology treats enforcement of the divergence free constraints (for
both velocity and magnetics) separately from the velocity-magnetics
coupling critical for support of the Alfven wave. This approximation
neglects secondary coupling effects in exchange for a simplified
velocity-magnetics Schur-complement to develop a computable sparse
approximation used in the preconditioner. For the 3D Lagrange multiplier
formulation used here the elliptic effects of the divergence free
magnetic field must be explicitly handled in the preconditioner. We will
demonstrate the parallel performance by presenting scaling results for a
range of problems. Furthermore, comparisons of this preconditioner to
domain-decomposition and fully coupled algebraic multigrid
preconditioners will be given.
[1] E.C. Cyr, J.N. Shadid, R.S. Tuminaro, R.P. Pawlowski, and L. Chacón,
A New Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioner for Two Dimensional
Incompressible (Reduced) Resistive MHD,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35:B701-B730, 2013.