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Bryan, D Quaife
Multigrid Applied to Two-Dimensional Vesicle Suspensions

University of Texas
201 East 24th St
Stop C0200
Texas 78712-1229
George Biros

We are interested in simulating high concentration suspensions of deformable capsules suspended in a Stokesian fluid. Such capsules are typically modeled as infinitesimally thin membranes filled with a viscous fluid. In particular, we are interested in a specific type of capsule known as a vesicle. Vesicles are closed inextensible lipid membranes containing a viscous fluid. The membrane mechanics are characterized by bending resistance (derived by a Helfrich energy, or a minimization of the $ L^2$ norm of the mean curvature), zero resistance to shear, and inextensibility (infinite resistance to elongation). Although we focus on vesicles, the resulting methodologies should be applicable in a broad range of phenomena in complex fluids and suspensions.

Vesicle evolution dynamics are given by a quasi-static Stokes equation driven by interface jump conditions derived by a balance of forces on the membrane. Given the position of the vesicles, the jump conditions can be evaluated, a Stokes problem with interface conditions can be solved, and the velocity at the interface advances the vesicle to its new location. We use a boundary integral formulation that results in a system of non-linear integro-differential equations for the vesicles's position and an auxiliary field that is a ``tension'' (it acts as a Lagrange multiplier to enforce the inextensibility constraint). Below we summarize the main equations.

Consider a single vesicle $ \gamma \in {\mathbb{R}}^{2}$ parameterized by the periodic function $ {\mathbf{x}}$ . The equations governing the motion of the vesicle are

$\displaystyle \frac{d{\mathbf{x}}}{dt} = {\mathcal{S}}[-{\mathbf{x}}_{ssss}+(\s...
...})_{s}], \hspace{20pt} {\mathbf{x}}_{s} \cdot \frac{d{\mathbf{x}}_{s}}{dt} = 0,$    

where $ \sigma$ is the tension and $ {\mathcal{S}}[{\mathbf{f}}]({\mathbf{x}}) =
\int_{\gamma}G({\mathbf{x}}-{\mathbf{y}}){\mathbf{f}}({\mathbf{y}})ds_{{\mathbf{y}}}$ , where $ G({\mathbf{x}}) =
\frac{1}{4\pi\mu}\left(-\log\vert{\mathbf{x}}\vert + \frac{{\mathbf{x}}\otimes
{\mathbf{x}}}{\vert{\mathbf{x}}\vert^{2}}\right)$ , is the single-layer potential for Stokes flow. We introduce the operators $ {\mathcal{B}}$ (bending), $ {\mathcal{T}}$ (tension), and $ {\mathcal{D}}$ (divergence) so that the governing equations are

$\displaystyle \frac{d{\mathbf{x}}}{dt} = {\mathcal{S}}[-{\mathcal{B}}{\mathbf{x}}+{\mathcal{T}}\sigma], \hspace{20pt} {\mathcal{D}}\frac{d{\mathbf{x}}}{dt} = 0.$    

Discretizing in time and linearizing, the vesicle position and tension are updated by solving

$\displaystyle \left[ \begin{array}{cc} I + \Delta t {\mathcal{S}}{\mathcal{B}}&...
...y} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} {\mathbf{x}}^{N}  0 \end{array} \right].$ (1)

This system is solved with a matrix-free fast-multipole accelerated GMRES for the new position and tension. However, the number of iterations depends on $ N$ since the system is ill-conditioned. This motivates the use of multigrid. In this talk we present the overall scheme and preliminary results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

As a first step, we are looking for efficient solvers for the Schur complement of the tension, $ {\mathcal{L}}:={\mathcal{D}}{\mathcal{S}}{\mathcal{T}}$ . $ {\mathcal{L}}$ must be inverted for explicit schemes or it can be used to form block preconditioners for implicit schemes when solving ([*]). Standard smoothers applied to integral operators such as $ {\mathcal{L}}$ generally reduce low frequencies in the error. We propose using GMRES applied to the high frequency components as a smoother. In more detail, the smoother for $ {\mathcal{L}}
\sigma = b$ is $ \sigma^{N+1} = P \sigma^{N} +
\sigma_{H}$ , where $ \sigma_{H}$ solves $ (I-P) {\mathcal{L}}\sigma_{H} = (I-P) b -
(I-P){\mathcal{L}}P\sigma^{N}$ , and $ P$ is the projection onto the low frequency space.

We use a V-cycle multigrid solver for $ {\mathcal{L}}$ and report results in Table [*]. We see that only a few GMRES iterations are required to apply the smoother. We set the GMRES tolerance of the smoother to $ 10^{-8}$ , the coarsest level to $ N=8$ , and stop the solver when the relative error is less than $ 10^{-8}$ . We are currently experimenting with using multigrid to precondition a GMRES solver for $ {\mathcal{L}}$ .

Table: $ N$ is the problem size, $ \rho$ is the average convergence rate, $ nV$ is the number of V-cycles, and GMRES is the number of GMRES iterations required by the smoother at the finest level.
N $ \rho$ $ nV$ GMRES
16 0.138 10 2
32 0.365 19 4
64 0.448 23 8
128 0.573 35 13

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Copper Mntn 2013-01-30