We consider the fast solution and preconditioning for large sparse linear systems arising from the discretization of PDEs such as Helmholtz equations. We study hidden rank structures in the problems and develop fast structured matrix techniques for sparse solutions. The new solvers we develop have the following features:
1. They cost roughly
flops for 2D PDEs and at most
for 3D ones, in contrast with classical optimal
costs of
in exact solutions,
2. We propose a rank relaxation strategy so as to accomodate
rank structures more flexible than existing methods.
3. For certain problems, the rank structures are relatively
insensitive to parameters such as frequencies and Poisson
The solvers are thus especially useful for problems such as seismic imaging, where ill-conditioned systems as solved with many right-hand sides and many parameters (frequencies), but with only modest accuracy desired.
We also talk about the potential of robust and effective structured preconditioning when the structures are insignificant. We analyze the criterion for compressing off-diagonal blocks so as to achieve nearly optimal effectiveness and efficiency in our preconditioner.
Examples are used to demonstrate the performance.