body of the abstract ONLY

When submitting your abstract, use only plain text with plain LaTeX macros for any mathematical notation or other special characters, including accented/foreign letters. You can use macros defined in the amsmath and amssymb packages, since they will be used by default. However, don't use other packages, and don't use your own macros -- unless you include the definition first!

To illustrate, here are examples of what will and won't work in the ``ABSTRACT:'' box of the Submission Page;

LaTeX code OK? why not
\begin{document} NO This will be inserted automatically. You should input only the portion between \begin{document} and \end{document}.
\begin{abstract} NO Redundant. This site is for the submission of abstracts only, and everybody's abstracts will be formatted the same way, in the collected document.
\newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation}} Yes (as long as the definition itself doesn't depend on some special package)
NO Enter title/authors/addresses in the appropriate boxes on the submission page, not in the Abstract box.
\maketitle NO This command never comes in the body of a document.
xx & xx & xx \\ ...
Yes tables and matrices are basic LaTeX items
\usepackage{amsthm} NO This web-serving computer does not have your package. Stick to standard LaTeX.
\newcommand{\Gcal}{\mbox{${\cal G}$}} Yes (as long as the definition itself doesn't depend on some special package)
\section{...} or \subsection{...} NO The abstract is supposed to be short and simple; don't structure your abstract or make it longer than 1000 words.
\item ...
Yes numbered and unnumbered lists are great
    " NO Usually in LaTeX you denote double quotes using  ``  before and  ''  after