We consider the iterative solution of systems of the form
Whenever is symmetric and positive definite, () represents the first-order optimality conditions of the equality-constrained quadratic program
We examine similar Krylov-type iterations for the case where is unsymmetric and present a methodology by which to derive projected Krylov methods for systems of the form (). We concentrate on the Bi-CGSTAB and TFQMR families of methods. The methods we consider are akin to so-called projection methods, which are sometimes regarded as being too expensive and only effective on systems in which is diagonally dominant. We hope that this paper will correct that reputation by showing that efficient projections combined with the appropriate Krylov iteration make for a very competitive numerical method.
Let be a matrix whose rows form a basis for the nullspace of . Any solution to () may be written , so that () yields , which uniquely determines and leaves as a solution to . Applying any Krylov method to the latter system with a preconditioner of the form , where is such that is positive definite, is equivalent to applying the same Krylov method with as coefficient matrix, with preconditioning steps replaced by projections computed via (), and without recourse to computing . Special care must be observed in an implementation of this scheme as severe numerical cancellation likely occurs, especially in the projection steps. We will present a remedy to this difficulty.
In our implementation, factorization of the projection matrix is performed by the multi-frontal symmetric indefinite MA57 from the Harwell Subroutine Library. The stopping test implemented by default is triggered when the projected Bi-CG residual vector is small or when the residual vector satisfies a Galerkin-type condition, or if the total number of matrix-vector products exceeds , where is the order of the block matrix . We compare the projected Bi-CGSTAB approach with a direct LU factorization of (). The comparison is based on the total solution time and memory requirements. The LU factorization is realized by means of the UMFPACK package.
We present results on systems arising from the discretization of Navier-Stokes equations for the flow of one or more immiscible incompressible fuilds. Some test cases involve a potentially moving obstacle taken into account by the fictitious domains method.