Markov Chains and Web Ranking: a Multilevel Adaptive Aggregation Method

Hans De Sterck

Tom Manteuffel
Steve McCormick
Quoc Nguyen
John Ruge


Google's PageRank method for ranking web pages models how a 'random surfer' follows links between web pages in a random fashion. The stationary probability vector of the resulting Markov chain provides a ranking of all the pages in the network. Calculating this stationary probability vector is a very large problem: Google now indexes 25 billion internet web pages. We present a multilevel adaptive aggregation method for the linear algebra problem of calculating the stationary probability vector of a Markov chain. The method described is a variant of adaptive algebraic multigrid methods for sparse linear systems, and is also related to existing aggregation methods for Markov chains. We apply our multilevel method to a set of stochastic matrices that provide models for web page ranking. These numerical tests serve to illustrate for which types of stochastic matrices our multilevel adaptive method may provide significant speedup compared to standard iterative methods. The tests also provide some more insight into why the PageRank model is a successful model for determining a ranking of web pages.