We consider the Navier-Stokes equations
Linearization and discretization of (1) by finite elements, finite differences or finite volumes leads to a sequence of linear systems of equations of the form
The focus of this talk is the Least Squares
Commutator (LSC) preconditioner developed by Elman, Howle,
Shadid, Shuttleworth and Tuminaro, and unveiled at the
Copper Mountain Conference in 2004. This preconditioning
methodology is one of several choices that are effective for
Navier-Stokes equations, and it has the advantage of being
defined from strictly algebraic considerations. The
resulting preconditioning methodology is competitive with
the pressure convection-diffusion preconditioner of Kay,
Loghin and Wathen, and in some cases its performance is
superior. However, the LSC approach has so far only been
shown to be applicable to the case where in
(2). In this talk we show
that the least squares commutator preconditioner can be
extended to cover the case of mixed approximation that
require stabilization. This closes a gap in the derivation
of these ideas, and a version of the method can be also
formulated from algebraic considerations, which enables the
fully automated algebraic construction of effective
preconditioners for the Navier-Stokes equations by
essentially using only properties of the matrices in
Our focus in this work is on steady flow problems although the ideas discussed generalize in a straightforward manner to unsteady flow.