Towards an automatic and application-based eigensolver selection
Xiaoye S. Li
MS 50F-1650, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley CA 94720-8139
Osni Marques, Yeliang Zhang
The computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is an
important and often time-consuming phase in computer
simulations. Recent efforts in the development of
eigensolver libraries have given users good algorithm
implementations without the need for users to spend much
time in programming. Yet, given the variety of algorithms
that are available to domain scientists, choosing the
``optimal'' algorithm for a particular application is a
daunting task. In addition, as simulations become
increasingly sophisticated and larger, it becomes infeasible
for a user to try out every reasonable algorithm
configuration in a timely fashion. Therefore, there is a
need for an automated tool that is able to guide the user
through the maze of various solvers with different
In this talk, we will describe a
high-end, intelligent sparse eigensolver toolbox, EigAdept,
which comprises the following components:
- A uniform and extensible interface for a collection
of parallel sparse eigensolvers. The collection focuses on a
class of solvers based on projection methods which are
amenable to scalable implementations, which include ARPACK
(implicitly restarted Arnoldi method), BLZPACK (block
Lanczos method), TRLan (thick-restart Lanczos method), the
Jacobi-Davidson method and the multi-level sub-structuring
(AMLS) method. The Arnoldi/Lanczos-based solvers are
enhanced with shift-and-invert capabilities using the
scalable sparse direct linear solvers such as SuperLU and
- An intelligent engine to guide the user
through the maze of various solvers and to automate the
process of algorithm selection. To achieve that, a ``history''
knowledge base (algorithm selection criteria, or decision
tree) incorporates initial information from our prior
experience as well as from the literature (e.g., from
``Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue
Problems: a Practical Guide'', edited by Bai et al.) The
contents of the knowledge base are gradually improved as
more problems are solved, and can be ``adapted'' at runtime
through the repeated solutions of similar eigensystems from
a specific application domain. An efficient data analyzer
takes a user's problem specification at runtime, queries the
knowledge base, and finds the best match of an algorithm
configuration with the target problem.
- Highly-tuned
performance-critical kernels for high-end architectures. We
identify and isolate the performance-critical kernels (e.g.,
parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication), and provide
highly-tuned versions for them. The methodology of automatic
performance tuning consists of both off-line optimization
guided by detailed performance model, and on-line
optimization by running the kernels in the pruned space of
possible implementations. Furthermore, these tuned kernels
will be made as standard-alone components, so that they can
be used directly in any new eigensolver technology, or even
in other areas of matrix computations.
EigAdept is implemented in C++ with Fortran interface. We
have implemented distinct class structures for eigensolvers,
linear equation solvers, and matrix types, so that for each
eigensolver algorithm, we can easily support different
sparse matrix formats, or use different linear solvers
internally (e.g., for performing shift-and-invert). We use
MySQL relational database to facilitate the implementation
of the intelligent engine. MySQL is a free open source
database software with a reliable C API. We will illustrate,
with some case studies, that EigAdept can be a valuable tool
for users from application domains, as well as for experts
doing algorithm research.