We study a time parallel space-time finite element approach
for the nonhomogeneous wave equation using a continuous time
Galerkin method and a time decomposition strategy for
preconditioning. Space-time finite elements provide some
natural advantages for numerical relativity in black hole
simulations. With space-time elements, time-varying
computational domains are straightforward, higher-order
approaches are easily formulated, and both time and spatial
domains can be discretized using a more general mesh. We
present fully implicit examples in ,
, and
dimensions using linear quadrilateral, hexahedral, and
tesseractic elements. Krylov solvers with additive Schwarz
preconditioning are used for solving the linear system. We
introduce a time decomposition strategy in preconditioning
which significantly improves performance when compared with
unpreconditioned cases. Parallel performance results are
also given.