A Cache-aware Multigrid Navier-Stokes Solver

Tobias Weinzierl

TU München, Institut für Informatik, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching b. München, Germany

Miriam Mehl
Christoph Zenger


Sophisticated numerical algorithms like multigrid techniques on adaptive grids require hierarchical multilevel data, which are commonly organized in tree structures. The resulting non-locality of interconnections between data causes jumps in the memory space during the run of the algorithm. This makes an efficient usage of cache-hierarchies and prefetching algorithms impossible. We present both a domain discretization and a traversion concept solving this problem. Hereby, we achieve a very high cache-efficiency by the construction of particular linear data structures based on the concepts of space-filling curves and space-trees. In fact, we can avoid memory jumps completely and, in addition, we get along with only two bits per degree of freedom for administrational information - one for the geometry description and one for the description of the refinement structure.

To achieve a descrition of our computational domain with the help of space-trees, it is embedded into the unit square and the grid is created by recursive decomposition of each cell (square) into nine subcells. The refinement rules depend on the geometry and numerical requirements. This allows the construction of very flexible adaptive grids without loosing the structuredness of the grid. During our computation, we process the grid cell-wise and perform a cell-wise operator evaluation. Hereby, the velocity degrees of freedom are located on the cells vertices and the cells edges. Using a structured grid as defined above, one is able to traverse the grid along the corresponding approximative polygon of the Peano curve - a space-filling curve. The recursive definition of the space-filling curve induces an unique ordering of grid cells for adaptive space-tree grids in a top-down-depth-first manner.

If we now examine the order vertex data are used during a traversion of a regular grid, we observe a property which will be fundamental for the construction of our data structures: Each gridline is pased by the space-filling curve two times and vertex data on these lines are used in alternating directions during those two passes. Therefore, we could show that we can store all vertex data on a small number of stacks (independent from the rifinement depth of the grid). For a regular grid, we can even do with two stacks corresponding to data on the left hand side and on the right hand side of the curve. For hierarchical adaptive grids, we need eight stacks in 2D and 26 stacks in 3D. Stacks are cache-efficient due to the inherent local memory access. Furthermore, we can show that if we use stacks, the storage of further administrational information like pointers to neighbors and/or subsequent points is obsolete. Based on this idea, our research group has developed a dimension-generic algorithm and  added parallel programming, adaptivity and extrapolation techniques successfully. In related publications we have proven that such an algorithm ends up with only 10 percent more cache-misses than absolutely inevitable in a code which does not make explicit use of a prefetching strategy. This holds for arbitrary dimensions, too.

In this contribution, we derive an algorithm for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations within this cache-efficient programming environment. Solving both the momentum and the continuity equation in a weak formulation, the FEM minimizing problem requires an extended theory for mixed elements. In contrast to this, we eliminate all complications induced by the side condition by solving it exactly (pointwise). For this, we approximate the velocity space in a very special way: We use a particular interpolation to exactly fulfill the side condition if a discrete control volume formulation on the spacetree is fulfilled. The exact fulfillment is the precondition for both energy and momentum conservation with respect to space discretizations. The idea is to subdivide each geometric element into triangles with linear interpolation on each triangle. The veolcity components at the midpoint of the cell assure the pointwise fulfillment of the side condition. For our Finite Element discretization, this leads to specialized piecewise linear basis functions coupling the two velocity components. Such an ansatzspace with square support for the velocity was presented in several publications of our research group - even in a more complicated setting.

According to Chorins projection method with an explicit Euler step, we use the pressure to achieve a divergence free solution at the next time step. Thus, we have to solve the pressure poisson equation in the control volume formulation derived using the Gauss integral theorem in each time step, which leads to an allocation of pressure values at the midpoints of the grid cells. Such a pressure layout is energy preserving and stable with respect to checkerboard patterns.

To implement a relaxation method for the pressure, we have to integrate both the storage scheme of the pressure (cell-wise) and the evaluation of the discrete staggered Laplace-operator into our algorithmic concept based on stacks and cell-wise operator evaluation. Since the pressure values are visited in a strict linear order, it is sufficient to add one additional stack for the pressure. In contrast, the evaluation of the operator turns out to be a litte more complex for the operator offends the locality property, as for the direct evaluation we would have to use the pressure values of the neighbouring cells. To prevent this, it is a good idea to store the gradients of the pressure, too, which are located at the cells vertices and edges analog to the location of the velocity values. This makes us able to implement a Gauss-Seidel smoother on the fine grid for the pressure poisson equation.

The aim of the last part of this contribution is to develop a Galerkin multigrid algorithm for the pressure poisson equation. Since we are solving a time-dependent problem, the main focus is on reducing low frequency error components fast as they are changing more substantially in each time step than the high frequency components. This can be done using a multigrid approach. 

The implementation of our multigrid algorithms profits by the fact that the concept of hierarchical generating systems fits the concept of space-trees and top-down-depth-first tree traversion in a very natural way: We dehierarchize data descending the space-tree, compute the fine-grid residual at the leaves of the tree and, finally, restrict the residual ascending the space-tree. Due to our stack concept, the implementation of the traversion concept does not cause any loss of hardware efficiency. Unfortunately, in the case of cell-centered data and non-constant interpolation like for the pressure, one is not able to restrict the pressure residual in one step ascending the spacetree as every fine grid residual on a micro cell - except the one in the center - would affect the residuals of all neighbouring macro cells within the space-tree. We present a solution for this very technical task is presented. Finally, we and up with an additive multigrid solver using a multiplicative fine grid solver for the pressure equation.

The solver shows full multigrid performance. For the side condition is fulfilled exactly, the algorithm becomes energy and momentum preserving in terms of spatial discretization. Therefore, the standard FEM theory can be applied. The L2-cache-miss-rate is almost minimal in accord with our earlier results for simpler PDEs. Although the algorithm is designed for adaptive hierarchical meshes, the geometry is stored sequentially using space-filling curves. Therefore, two bits per grid point are sufficient to store the complete administrational data.