On Recursive Multiscale Trust-Region Algorithms for Unconstrained
Serge Gratton
CERFACS, Toulouse, France
Annick Sartenaer, FUNDP, Namur, Belgium
Philippe L. Toint, FUNDP, Namur, Belgium
A large class of large-scale finite-dimensional minimization programs arises
from the discretization of infinite-dimensional problems, such as
optimal-control problems defined in terms of either ordinary or partial
differential equations. We report here on a potentially efficient new class
of algorithms using this structure and briefly discuss a first set of
numerical experiments.
A simple first approach that we refer to as mesh refinement,
is to use coarser grids in order to compute approximate
solutions which can then be used as starting points for the optimization
problem on a finer grid (see [2],
[3] or [8], for instance). However,
potentially more efficient techniques are inspired from the multigrid
paradigm in the solution of partial differential equations and associated
systems of linear algebraic equations (see, for example, [4] or
[5]). The work presented here was in particular
motivated by the ''generalized truncated Newton algorithm'' presented in
Fisher [7], a talk by Moré [10], the
contribution by Nash and Lewis [9] and the computational
success of the low/high-fidelity model management techniques of Alexandrov, Lewis
and co-authors [1].
We aim at minimizing the cost function f(x), x in Rn,
and assume that we know a collection of functions f0 ,..,
fr , such that each fi is a twice-continuously
differentiable function from Rni to
R (with ni ≥ ni-1 ), the
connection with our original problem being that nr = n and
fr (x) = f(x) for
all x in Rn. We also assume that, for each
i=1,...,r, fi is
''more costly'' to minimize than fi-1 . This may be because
fi has more
variables than fi-1 (as would typically be the case if
fi represent increasingly finer discretizations of the same
objective), or because the structure (in terms of partial separability,
sparsity or eigenstructure) of fi is more complex than that of
fi-1 ,
or for any other reason. Our algorithm
generates at each level i a sequence of iterates using either a recursive call
to a coarser level (lower level iteration)
or an iteration at level i (same level iteration).
A condition for function fi-1 to be useful
in minimizing fi is provided in terms of gradient of these
functions prolongated in suitable spaces.
If this condition does not
hold, a same level iteration is performed.
The same level iterations
fall into two classes : smoothing
iterations aim at decreasing high-frequency
components of the gradients and damping iterations, which decrease their
low-frequency components.
A multilevel trust region mechanism is implemented
ensures a global convergence of the algorithm to first order
critical points,
under some classical assumptions, such as the sufficient decrease condition
(in the sense of the Cauchy condition) [6].
We present a numerical applications for one of the possible
implementations. We provide details on the mechanisms ensuring that the
convergence conditions are met.
Other implementation questions are concerned with the form of the recursive iterations,
ranging from free form (where the optimization at lower levels is governed
purely by accuracy requirements) to fixed cycles (such as the V and W cycles
inspired by multigrid techniques). Demonstration of the efficiency of the method
when compared to mesh refinement is
done on a minimum surface problem with highly oscillatory boundary
conditions and on the Dirichlet-to-Newman transfer problem.
Problems involving up to 1.1 million variables were solved
by the new algorithm in MATLAB on a laptop PC (Pentium 4 Mobile, 1.6 GHz).
[1] N.M. Alexandrov, R.L. Lewis, C.R. Gumbert, L.L. Green, and P.A.
Newman. Approximation and model management in aerodynamic optimization
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Scalable algorithms in optimization: Computational experiments.
Preprint ANL/MCS-P1175-0604, Mathematics and Computer Science,
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA, 2004.
To appear in the Proceedings of the 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Optimization Conference, August 30 - September
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[4] A. Brandt. Multi-level adaptative solutions to boundary value problems.
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[5] W.L. Briggs, V.E. Henson, and S.F. McCormick. A Multigrid Tutorial.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2nd edition, 2000.
[6] A.R. Conn, N.I.M. Gould, and Ph.L. Toint.
Trust-Region Methods. Number 01 in MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization. SIAM,
Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
[7] M.Fisher. Minimization algorithms for variational data assimilation.
In Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Atmospheric
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[8] A.Griewank and Ph.L. Toint. Local convergence analysis for
partitioned quasi-Newton updates. Numerische Mathematik, 39:429--448,
[9] M.Lewis and S.G. Nash. Model problems for the multigrid
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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, (to appear), 2005.
[10] J.J. Moré. Terascale optimal PDE solvers. Talk at the ICIAM
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