We consider algebraic multigrid methods for the numerical solution of curlcurl systems in computational electromagnetics. Existing prolongation schemes for the curlcurl equation are often based on the Reitzinger-Schöberl prolongator presented in [1]. There, a piecewise constant edge prolongator Pe is derived from a piecewise constant nodal prolongator Pn, such that the commutation property is satisfied. This prolongation scheme can be improved by applying ideas of smoothed aggregation multigrid to it ([2], [3]).
We will present an alternative prolongation scheme that takes as a starting point
an arbitrary partition of unity nodal prolongator Pn. We will show that
it is possible to associate with the set of coarse nodal elements
(the columns of Pn) a set of coarse edge elements. The link between
both sets is the analytical formula for edge elements on triangular/tetrahedral
[1] S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl, An algebraic multigrid method for
finite element discretizations with edge elements,
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 2002, 9, p.223-238.
[2] P.B.Bochev, C.J.Garasi, J.J.Hu, A.C.Robinson, R.S.Tuminaro,
An improved algebraic multigrid method for solving Maxwell's equations,
Siam Journal on Scientific Computing, 25, p.623-642, 2003.
[3] J.Hu, R.Tuminaro, P.Bochev, C.Garasi, A.Robinson, Toward an h-independent
Algebraic Multigrid Method for Maxwell's Equations, To appear in Siam Journal
on Scientific Computing, 2005.