Tom Manteuffel, University of Colorado
Steve McCormick, University of Colorado


Joel Dendy , Los Alamos
Kirk Jordan , IBM
Jan Mandel , CU-Denver
Duane Melson , NASA Langley
Seymour Parter , Univ. Wisconsin
Joseph Pasciak , Texas A & M
John Ruge , CU-Denver
Klaus Stüben , GMD, Germany
Ulrich Trottenberg , GMD, Germany
Panayot Vassilevski , Livermore
Pieter Wesseling , Univ. of Delft
Olof Widlund , Courant Institute
Irad Yavneh , Technion


The special theme this year is General Scalable Multigrid Methods. The two theme topics and the associated theme chair are:

  • Algebraic Algorithms, Chair: Van Emden Henson , Livermore. To email Van, click here.
  • Parallel Techniques, Chair: Jim Jones , Livermore. To email Jim, click here.

    Both topics have become prominent in large-scale applications, and it is our intent to bring together researchers and practitioners for share their ideas, challenges, and knowledge with the hope of furthering the field.

    We encourage anyone who has a contribution to either of these theme topics to contact the relevant Theme Chair about participation in the special lecture sessions. We are also planning a special Algebraic Bull Session. If you are interested in contributing, please be prepared to describe your algebraic methodology, in ten minutes or less, as a prelude to open questions about where it fails to apply or give the quality of results that you would anticipate, or where you see challenges to its further development. Please attempt to bring the audience into the presentation by inviting discussion and eliciting input wherever appropriate. We want to make this a lively, dynamic forum for interaction. To assess interest, please let Van Henson know if you plan to contribute and/or attend the Bull Session.


    Craig Douglas , Kentucky


    Paul Frederickson , Maryland, Euro Division