Travel Support for Students, Postdocs, Women, Minorities, and Disabled.
Support for travel, lodging, and registration is available for students
and postdocs.
Additional funds are available for women, minority, and disabled participants.
The amount we can offer depends upon demand, so please get your application
for support in as soon as possible by email to the conference coordinator,
Annette Anthony
Please include:
- A title and one-paragraph abstract for a proposed talk.
- A brief letter of support from an advisor (students and postdocs only).
- An estimate of your travel expenses.
- A statement indicating your status (students and postdocs indicate
year in program or indicate if female, minority, or disabled).
Please email this information to Annette by
February 1, 2013.
Requests submitted past this deadline may be considered,
but only if funding is still available.
Please note that the travel support is available only for participants
from U.S. institutions.