Evening Workshops, CMCIM 2008

Trilinos Workshop
Monday, April 7, 2008
7:30 pm


The Trilinos project at Sandia National Laboratories is an ongoing effort to develop high-quality, modern parallel numerical software libraries for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific applications (http://trilinos.sandia.gov). In this workshop we provide an overview of Trilinos and its unique package architecture, and highlight some available and upcoming capabilities. Following an overview presentation, package developers will discuss in greater detail the following Trilinos libraries: Sundance (a natural-language parallel finite-element solver), Stratimikos (a unified solution linear solver/preconditioning interface), Belos (block iterative linear solvers), Meros (segregated preconditioning), and ML (algebraic multigrid preconditioning).

Individual talks

"A Current Overview of the Trilinos Project"

Jonathan Hu
Scalable Algorithms Department
Sandia National Laboratories

In this talk, we give an overview of the Trilinos project. We'll discuss the overall design and available capabilities, as well as future plans. Particular emphasis will be on recent additions to the Trilinos package family. New and potential users are encouraged to attend.

"Building parallel multi-physics simulations with Sundance"

Kevin Long
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Texas Tech University

Sundance is a Trilinos package containing components for building parallel PDE simulations. This talk will give an overview of Sundance with examples of setting up complex multiphysics simulations and accessing Trilinos solvers.

"Stratimikos: Unified Access to Trilinos Linear Solver and Preconditioner Capabilities"

Roscoe A. Bartlett
Department of Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation
Sandia National Laboratories

The Trilinos Stratimikos package provides an aggregated, parameter-list-driver, "Facade" class for access to many of the linear solver and preconditioner capabilities such as in the Trilinos packages Amesos, AztecOO, Belos, Ifpack, and ML. All you need is an Epetra_Operator and/or (even better) an Epetra_RowMatrix object for the defining matrix, Epetra_[Multi]Vector objects for the RHS and LHS, and a parameter list (read in from an XML file, from the command line, or set in code) and you can then access a significant serial and parallel, direct and iterative, linear solver capability. This talk will describe the real foundation for the Stratimikos interface design which is Thyra. Thyra is a set of abstract interfaces for vectors, vector spaces, linear operators, linear solvers, and preconditioners that support the development of advanced abstract numerical algorithms (ANAs). In addition, Thyra also defines an interface to nonlinear simulation-constrained models called the ModelEvaluator that was (and still is) a major driver for the development of Stratimikos. However, Stratimikos can be used by less abstract clients by converting to and from Epetra and Thyra objects.

"Belos: A Framework for Next-generation Iterative Linear Solvers"

Heidi Thornquist
Department of Electrical and Microsystems Modeling
Sandia National Laboratories

The solution of very large and sparse linear systems with multiple right-hand sides is often required in modeling and simulation. While many numerical methods for solving these linear systems have been proposed in the literature, Belos provides an iterative linear solver framework for developing and delivering these methods to application codes. In this talk we will discuss interacting with Belos, from a user and developer standpoint, and the available numerical methods for solving both single and multiple right-hand side linear systems.

"Physics-based preconditioners in Meros"

Victoria E. Howle
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Texas Tech University

Meros is a segregated preconditioning package that provides scalable block preconditioning for problems that couple simultaneous solution variables. Our initial focus has been on methods for solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Meros is available as part of the Trilinos Project. This talk will give an overview of the capabilities currently available in Meros as well as plans for future development.

"Recent Algorithmic (and Practical) Developments in ML"

Christopher M. Siefert
Scalable Algorithms Department
Sandia National Laboratories

We focus on several new algorithmic capabilities introduced in ML, Trilinos' multilevel solvers package. The first capability is a new multilevel solver for compatible discretizations (edge elements) of the eddy current Maxwell's equations. This new solver, made available in Trilinos 8.0, is based on an algebraic reformulation of the discrete system, and has demonstrated successful weak parallel scaling up to 24,000 processors and 658 million unknowns. The second capability enhances ML's existing repartitioning routines through the hypergraph repartitioning available through Zoltan 3.0. The new algorithm accurately models communication costs in both the setup and iterative phases to produce a better processor repartitioning. This feature is currently under development and will be released in Trilinos 9.0 in the fall. We will also discuss some practical improvements designed to improve the ML user experience, including validation of user input parameters.