Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
Copper Mountain, Colorado, 6 April -- 11 April, 2008

Please use the address you want to appear on the attendee list.

Name ________________________________________________
Affiliation _________________________________________
Street Address ______________________________________
Country        ______________________________________
email address  ______________________________________
phone number   ______________________________________
Advanced Registration Fee
postmarked before March 2, 2008
	(   ) SIAM Member $380.00
	(   ) Non-SIAM Member $420.00
	(   ) Student $150.00

Regular Registration Fee
postmarked on or after March 2, 2008, or paid at conference
	(   ) SIAM Member $420.00
	(   ) Non-SIAM Member $460.00
	(   ) Student $150.00

Method of Payment
	(   )  Check or money order enclosed
Checks written to:   Copper Mountain Conference
Must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.  If paying with
a EuroCheque, please add $6 to your fee for bank processing.
	(  ) VISA or MASTERCARD only  (No Amer.Expr.)

	Name on Card_________________________________

	Card # ______________________________________
			Exp. Date ___________________

	(if sending by email no signature necessary)