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James W. Lottes
Independent quality measures for optimized AMG

Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S Cass Avenue
IL 60439

We consider the development of an algebraic multigrid (AMG) strategy for parallel solution of linear systems with target processor counts of $ P > 10^5$. We are interested in the case of many right-hand sides (e.g., as arise in the solution of time-dependent PDEs) and are therefore willing to accept significant set-up costs in favor of reduced solution time per solve. Presently, we are focusing on the case where the system of interest is the distributed coarse-grid problem that arises in domain decomposition methods or in multigrid methods that have relaxed to the coarsest-level skeleton that covers all processors. Our approach is more general, however, and we believe it would readily extend to any sparse distributed symmetric-positive definite system, coarse or fine.

Our selection of an AMG procedure is guided by the two-grid asymptotic convergence rate, equal to the spectral radius of the error propagation matrix

$\displaystyle E_{\text{tg}}\equiv (I - B A)(I - P A_c^{-1} P^T A), $

where the coarse operator is defined by $ A_c \equiv P^T A P$. The iteration is determined by $ B$, defining the smoother, and by the $ n \times n_c$ prolongation matrix $ P$. In classical AMG, the prolongation operator is further constrained in that the coarse variables are a subset of the original variables. If we order these last, then $ A$ and $ P$ take the block forms
$\displaystyle A \equiv \begin{bmatrix}A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}& A_{f\hspace{-0.0833 em}c}\\ A_{c\hspace{-0.0833 em}f}& A_{c\hspace{0 em}c}\end{bmatrix},$   $\displaystyle P \equiv \begin{bmatrix}W \\ I \end{bmatrix}.$  

Thus, we may consider three components to make up a classical AMG procedure: selection of the coarse variables (coarsening), selection of $ W$, and selection of $ B$. We have come up with independent measures of the quality of each component, guiding our selection of each, which together imply an efficient method.
  1. Coarsening. We propose that the coarsening ratio $ n_c/n$ and the condition number $ \kappa(D_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}^{-1/2} A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}D_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}^{-1/2})$ together measure the quality of a given coarsening. Here $ D_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}$ is the diagonal part of $ A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}$. Our simple coarsening scheme is based on Gershgorin discs and provides a guaranteed bound on $ \kappa$.
  2. Prolongation weights. We propose that the quality of $ W$ can be measured as an energy norm of the departure of $ W$ from the minimal energy weights $ -A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}^{-1} A_{f\hspace{-0.0833 em}c}$,
    $\displaystyle \gamma \equiv \sup_{\mathbf{v}\ne \mathbf{0}} \frac{\lVert F\mathbf{v} \rVert _{A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}}}{\lVert \mathbf{v} \rVert _{A_c}},$   $\displaystyle F \equiv W - (-A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}^{-1} A_{f\hspace{-0.0833 em}c}).$  

    We augment the energy-minimizing interpolation of Wan, Chan, and Smith with a dynamic procedure for determining the support of $ W$ based on a computable estimate of $ \gamma$.
  3. Smoothing. In our forthcoming paper we demonstrate that the asymptotic convergence rate is determined only by the component of $ B$ affecting the F-variables in the hierarchical basis,

    $\displaystyle \hat{B}_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}\equiv \begin{bmatrix}I & -W \end{bmatrix} B
\begin{bmatrix}I & -W \end{bmatrix}^T. $

    We propose that the quality of the smoother can be measured by the asymptotic convergence rate of the iteration using $ \hat{B}_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}$ to solve equations governed by $ A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}$,

    $\displaystyle \rho_f \equiv \rho ( I - \hat{B}_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}). $

    We target this measure with a simple diagonal SAI preconditioner within a Chebyshev polynomial.
The above measures are motivated by the bound, closely related to others in the literature, on the two-grid asymptotic convergence rate,

$\displaystyle \rho(E_{\text{tg}}) \le \gamma^2 + (1 - \gamma^2) \rho_f, $

which we prove in our forthcoming paper, and which immediately explains the latter two measures. The justification of the coarsening measure $ \kappa$ is twofold. First, a small $ \kappa$ implies that a few steps of diagonal preconditioning suffices to make $ \rho_f$ small. Second, a small $ \kappa$ implies that $ W$ may be highly sparse and yet be a good approximation to $ A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}^{-1} A_{f\hspace{-0.0833 em}c}$, thereby inducing a small $ \gamma$. This is due to a result of Demko, that the entries in the inverse of a sparse matrix (here $ A_{f\hspace{-0.1667 em}f}^{-1}$) decay exponentially with a rate characterized by the condition number. Vassilevski was the first to mention the relevance of this result to multigrid.

Although our solver is still in the development stage, we have had some initial success in deploying it on the 4096-processor BG/P at Argonne for a coarse-grid problem of dimension $ n=412,000$ (originating fine-grid problem of dimension $ n_f = 44$M). The new solver yields the same outer (fine-grid) iteration count as that realized with our direct projection-based solver. After some tuning of the communication kernels the AMG solver is 6.5 times faster than the original coarse-grid solver, and the overall solution time is reduced nearly two-fold. We expect further improvements with additional tuning.

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Marian 2008-02-26